Release Your Limitations
It’s here Australia! The most transformational seminar you’ll ever attend.

Are you still struggling with your bank account no matter how hard you work or try to save?
Australia’s personal debt problem is now worse than ever. And people just keep spinning their wheels, trying to get ahead. Often, their situation worsens. Can you relate?
More than two thirds of Australians are overweight.
Are you one of them but want to change that? Is the frustration that you keep packing on the weight making you angry? Do you just feel like giving up?
Do you wake up feeling dread?
Or find yourself getting angry with your kids, partner or coworkers for little things? You know there’s a better way to live and you’re not quite there yet.
But you’re sick of it. You well and truly want change.
Release your limitations on your time.
Use the code actiontaker to save $500 to attend a seminar.
Life Rewards Action!
Book Now – RENMARK
Release your limitations on what you want.
How many times have you stopped yourself from wanting something big in your life just because you were afraid you wouldn’t get it? Stop just dealing with your problems and eliminate them for good.
The Release Your Limitations two day practical and informative seminar is designed for people exactly like you that are ready to shift the burdens and experience a magnificent version of themselves. This intensive will see you change fundamental behaviours and beliefs that you’ve held for decades in a matter of minutes.
This is not just another motivational seminar!
Release your limitations on your internal processes.
Break that mould and inspire others by learning a better way of being at the Release Your Limitations seminar.
The powerful processes that you will be taught will renew and improve your:
- finances and abundance
- career and success
- relationships, family and friendships
- health and fitness
- spirituality and connection.
Furthermore, you will:
- let go of pain and baggage of the past
- release burdens and feel lighter
- step into your best self
- remove barriers and blocks to your ultimate future
- create a life you love living
- expand in ways you never dreamt possible
- become a master problem solver
- remove addictive self sabotaging behaviours
- learn the skills you need to succeed
- live with purpose, meaning and enthusiasm.
You feel like you’ve tried everything to change and then some. You’ve read the self help books and tried many courses and workshops with small results that never last. But this is different.
Release your limitations on your potential.
This is the ultimate live seminar, led by Australia’s leading authority on MindPT, Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy™ and NLP, that will activate incredible personal transformation, leaving you inspired and mastering your life’s direction.
This highly acclaimed seminar will equip you with time tested and proven methodology and empower you with skills, knowledge and techniques to truly turn your life into a work of art that is satisfying and fulfilling.
Manifesting. Visualisation. Willpower.
Stop wasting time on forcing these things and create genuine change today and live the life you want.
Why you should sign up for the Release Your Limitations live seminar today.
- no fluff
- down to earth and practical information
- genuine results
- designed to help you transform over a weekend
- fun and friendly environment.
Led by Cherry Farrow who is an acclaimed transformational seminar leader, presenter, personal success coach, international best selling author and business woman. Cherry is here to help you change your life.
Bookings are limited so secure your place here
Get the kind of personal success that you truly crave and deserve.
More details about the Release Your Limitations seminar:
The two day in person seminar is comprised of eight modules held over one weekend, with the aim to help you take responsibility, reduce conflict between your conscious and unconscious mind and regain control of your beliefs and life. Download the brochure which details more about the eight modules.
Next Seminars:
Melbourne – Quest Abbotsford, 611 Victoria Street
13-14 February 2021 – BOOK NOW
Renmark – Renmark Club, 161 Murray Avenue
10-11 April 2021 – BOOK NOW
Port Lincoln – Port Lincoln Hotel, 1 Lincoln Highway
17-18 April 2021 – BOOK NOW
Adelaide – Quest King William South, 379 King William Road
1-2 May 2021 – BOOK NOW
Times: We will notify you with your enrollment pack.
Download Master Your Mindset PDF.